An open bible under the sunset | Photo by Aaron Burden from Unsplash

It’s inevitable that life will have challenges. But try to look at yourself in the mirror and reflect. Would you be stronger today without facing the storms of life? Believe it or not, you’re stronger than you were yesterday because of these. But have you also asked yourself if the sacrifices you make, the prayers you whisper, and the tears you shed are noticed by the Lord God?

Is it all worth it?

The Scripture will remind you that these struggles are not meaningless. Every hardship is a step toward something greater— the Lord’s reward.

What Is the Lord’s Reward in the Bible?

The Lord’s reward is the promise of eternal glory. Eternal glory refers to the reward believers will receive for their faithful service, including being in God’s presence and sharing His radiance, honor, and majesty. He sees every act of faith, every effort, and every moment of perseverance, and in His perfect time, He will faithfully reward His children—on that day.

However, He sees through the heart. If you’re only doing the hard work and showing obedience because of it alone, think twice. It has to come from the heart and do it with the intention to cause goodness to others rather than impress people.

“Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.”
Matthew 6:1

This implies that doing good or practicing righteousness is not guaranteed. The intention behind it also matters. If you’re doing it to gain human recognition or get an external reward, receiving it is impossible.

Delving Into His Words

The sacred texts will save you from being misguided and enlighten you. They will help you anticipate more to receive that coveted reward.

Here are Bible verses that prove the Lord’s reward is within reach. These will unfold “reap what you sow” moments from the Scripture.

Eternal Life and the Crown of Life

The ultimate reward from the Lord is eternal life or the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. Those who have faced the trials and tribulations of life yet remain faithful will receive this everlasting gift.  He blesses those suffering through his presence because He is closer to them at those times.

“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”
James 1:12

“Do something great” sign in neon lights
“Do something great” sign in neon lights | Photo by Clark Tibbs from Unsplash     

God’s Reward for Righteous Acts

The Lord’s reward is given to those who live righteously and obey His commandments. This idea suggests that God rewards the actions of His followers that are done out of sincerity and for His glory, even when done privately and unseen by others. This is an example of how God sees through your actions and intentions.

“And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”
-Matthew 6:4

Rewards for Sowing Goodness

This verse is a powerful encouragement for believers, particularly those who may feel disheartened when their efforts to do good go unappreciated or unfruitful.  But faith will take you through it all. It will help you navigate life’s challenges, even in farming, involving patience, endurance, and trust in God’s timing.  

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
-Galatians 6:9

Anticipating What’s Next

In the context of God’s promises, anticipating what’s next refers to a desire for the next stage of His plan—whether it be the reward of eternal life, the restoration of all things, or the thrill of seeing His glory revealed. Ath the same time, expresses the heart of a believer who believes that every act of obedience, every difficulty faced, and every seed of virtue planted will result in something far more significant than we can understand.

As Paul says in 1 Corinthians 2:9, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love Him.” Anticipating more urges us to be steadfast and faithful, knowing that what comes ahead far outweighs today’s difficulties.

Read Thomas Fitzhugh Sheets’ On That Day: A Trilogy to learn more about God’s promises. The book is available at ReadersMagnet Bookstore, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon. Click here to get a copy! 

Thomas Fitzhugh Sheets is a farmer and businessman from an undisclosed location. Despite lacking formal theological training, Sheets has written a thought-provoking trilogy exploring Christian themes and narratives. His work, "On That Day: A Trilogy," was exhibited at various events in 2023, showcasing its ability to engage audiences in discussions about faith and spirituality. Sheets' unique perspective, shaped by his experiences as a farmer and businessman, brings a fresh approach to interpreting biblical stories and their relevance in modern times. With a passion for sharing his insights, Sheets aims to inspire readers to delve deeper into their own spiritual journeys.
Thomas Sheets

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