Photo by Tara Winstead

The Foundation of Christianity

Christianity, with its rich history of traditions and interpretations, has a set of core principles attributed to the teachings and life of Jesus Christ at its core. Though open to ongoing reflection and adaptation, these principles serve as a guiding light for millions worldwide. 

We explore Christ’s foundational tenets, exploring their meaning and significance.

While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.

– Matthew 17:5

Love, the Foundation of Christianity

Undoubtedly, the most prominent principle of Christ is love. Love for God, expressed through devotion, obedience, and reverence, forms the bedrock of the Christian faith. 

But more profoundly, Christ emphasizes love for one another. This was a radical concept in his time. This all-encompassing love extends beyond family, friends, or even those who deserve it, encompassing love for enemies and forgiveness for transgressions (Matthew 5:44). 

This principle challenges ingrained notions of self-preservation and revenge, advocating for compassion and understanding in all interactions.

Faith, the Foundation of Christianity

Faith signifies a deep trust and belief in God, even without absolute certainty. It’s a commitment that transcends mere intellectual understanding, encompassing a reliance on God’s guidance and promises. Faith is not passive; it compels action, inspiring individuals to live according to Christian principles (James 2:17-23). 

This unwavering belief is the foundation of Christianity, allowing individuals to navigate challenges and find solace in difficult times.

Hope, the Foundation of Christianity

Hope, a central aspect of the foundation of Christianity, signifies an optimistic expectation for the future. It acknowledges the imperfections of the present world but offers a vision of something better. Through faith in God’s grace and Christ’s sacrifice, Christians find hope for salvation and eternal life. 

Furthermore, hope motivates individuals to work towards a better future, personally and for the world (Jeremiah 29:11). It fosters perseverance in the face of adversity and inspires acts of charity and social justice.

The Principles of Christianity

Christianity acknowledges human fallibility and the inherent tendency to make mistakes. Repentance, the act of sincere remorse for wrongdoing, is crucial in the Christian journey. It involves acknowledging one’s errors, seeking forgiveness from God and others, and genuinely trying to change. Coupled with repentance is the concept of forgiveness. Christ preached forgiveness, urging his followers to extend grace and mercy even to those who wronged them (Matthew 6:14-15). This allows for reconciliation, healing, and a chance for a fresh start.

The Golden Rule

Often referred to as the Golden Rule, the idea of treating others as one would treat oneself is a cornerstone of Christian ethics (Matthew 7:12). It compels individuals to consider their actions’ impact on others and act with empathy and compassion. 

The Golden Rule transcends cultural and religious boundaries. It offers a universal principle for fostering positive and harmonious relationships.

Justice and Stewardship

Throughout his teachings, Christ emphasized the importance of justice and fairness for all. He advocated for the poor, the marginalized, and the oppressed (1 Timothy 6:17-19). This concern for justice translates into a call to action, urging Christians to work towards a more equitable and just society. Service to others, particularly those in need, becomes a natural extension of this principle. By actively helping others, Christians demonstrate their faith and contribute to a more compassionate world.

The concept of stewardship emphasizes humanity’s responsibility to care for God’s creation (Genesis 2:15). Christians believe they are entrusted with the Earth and its resources and are called to manage them wisely and sustainably. 

This principle extends beyond the environment, encouraging individuals to use their talents and resources responsibly for the benefit of others.

The Moral and Selfless Life

The concept of sacrifice lies at the heart of the Christian faith. The ultimate sacrifice, of course, is Jesus’ death on the cross, which Christians believe serves as an atonement for humanity’s sins. This principle encourages selflessness and a willingness to put the needs of others before one’s own. Closely linked to sacrifice is the concept of humility. Christ modeled humility, washing his disciples’ feet and preaching against pride and arrogance (John 13:4-17). Humility fosters a spirit of service and encourages individuals to recognize their dependence on God.

Thomas Fitzhugh Sheets’s The Resurrection of the Promise is a call to fulfill the promises of the old church and the foundations of Christianity. 

Thomas Fitzhugh Sheets is a farmer and businessman from an undisclosed location. Despite lacking formal theological training, Sheets has written a thought-provoking trilogy exploring Christian themes and narratives. His work, "On That Day: A Trilogy," was exhibited at various events in 2023, showcasing its ability to engage audiences in discussions about faith and spirituality. Sheets' unique perspective, shaped by his experiences as a farmer and businessman, brings a fresh approach to interpreting biblical stories and their relevance in modern times. With a passion for sharing his insights, Sheets aims to inspire readers to delve deeper into their own spiritual journeys.
Thomas Sheets

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